Thinking the Mediterranean. Communities and Identities
Institute of Historical Research – National Hellenic Research Foundation
December 17, 2021, Athens, Greece
Call for papers available in pdf form here: Athens CFP.
The workshop focuses on different types of communities (e.g. ethnic, religious, cultural, political)
that have existed in different parts of the Mediterranean from the late Middle Ages to the present. It
aims to explore in particular the various ways in which human movements and/or transfers of ideas,
concepts, and knowledge within the interconnected multicultural and multiethnic Mediterranean
space affected different patterns of coexistence and different ways of tackling individual and group
identity formation.
Suggested topics:
• Causes of and/or incentives for displacement (e.g. war, economic/religious/ideological reasons)
• Minorities • Strategies of coexistence • Religion and/or dogma as a factor of inclusion or exclusion
• The impact of different norms and political and social hierarchies in shaping tolerance, rejection,
marginality • Transfers of ideas and knowledge among communities • Agriculture, production, and
trade as means for inter-communal outreach • Expressions and visualizations of identity in
politically, culturally and religiously defined communities.
Abstracts of papers (max. 300 words) and brief bios (max. 150 words) should be submitted to the
organizers by October 10, 2021.
Organizing Committee
Charalambos Gasparis, NHRF (chgaspa@eie.gr)
Luisa Simonutti, CNR (luisa.simonutti@ispf.cnr.it)
Antigoni Zournatzi, NHRF (azourna@eie.gr)
Workshop sponsored by
COST Action 18140 – People in Motion: Entangled Histories of Displacement across the
Mediterranean – WG2 Ideas in Motion & Institute of Historical Research / NHRF